In collaboration with The Pokémon Company International, Alt teamed up with esteemed director Rian Johnson (Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Knives Out) to create a special new commercial that celebrates Pokémon GO Fest and honors the magic of Pokémon GO.
A big fan of Pokémon GO himself, Rian helped shape the concept of the video with his cinematic eye and vision of peeling back a layer of our everyday lives, looking closer, and experiencing being a Trainer with your favorite Pokémon.
In keeping with the theme of bringing people around the world together for GO Fest, this commercial was a global production. Rian Johnson directed the cast and crew in New Zealand from Los Angeles, and he collaborated with teams from Niantic, The Pokémon Company International and agency staff in New York, Seattle, San Francisco, London, and Tokyo, as well as Alt teams in LA and Australia. The final product is a fun and energizing video from start to finish that symbolizes the joyful experience of playing Pokémon GO wherever you are.