Play The Spot

Pepsi Strong

Momotaro Episode 2

This instalment turns a classic folk story on its head to promote Pepsi Nex Zero. “Momotaro”, aka The Peach Boy, is about a young man born from a peach who goes on to befriend a dog, monkey and pheasants, who later band together to battle a big bad red demon. There is a avante-grande, music video style twist to the story, depicting the characters in stylish costumes as they take on on the intimidating red beast (ONI). The modernised update serves as a perfect metaphor for the battle brand Pepsi faces against its biggest (red) rival.

Based on the japanese fable “Peach Boy” or Momotaro, this instalment required Alt’s creature design expertise to build the giant 100m lava demon or Oni. Alt was responsible for all of the concept design modelling and animation of all the mystical monsters from the Peach Boy story. Working with the director we built the lava Oni, the snow Oni, as well as complex destruction simulations and many of the scenic landscapes were digital matte paintings.

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Koichi Iguchi
Tohokushinsha Film Corporation
Suntory Japan
Tugboat / Yomiko